Our office has always followed strict infection control standards and in order to keep us all protected during this pandemic and in the future, we have updated our protocols. When we see you at your next appointment, things will be a little different.
We will ask some screening questions before your appointment and you will be asked those same questions again when you are in the office. We ask you to wear a mask to the office and when you are inside the building. We may also take your temperature.
You may be asked to wait outside our office or in your car, to call us when you arrive and then wait for a call back to let you know when you can enter the office. We ask that you social distance in the office reception area or anytime you are without your direct dental team.
We have hand sanitizer that we will ask you to use when you enter the office. There are more dispensers around the office for you to use as needed.
Our waiting room will no longer offer magazines or children’s toys or books since those items are difficult to fully disinfect. We are also limiting people in the building so are asking you attend your appointment alone, children can be accompanied by one parent, no siblings or extra visitors at this time.
Appointments will be spaced out to allow for physical distancing between patients. That might mean less flexibility for scheduling your appointment, but it will also reduce the number of patients in the reception area at any one time.
You may be surprised that we are wearing more protective gear – such as masks, face shields, gowns – than we normally do during your visit. We have also invested in multiple air purifiers that will remove 99.97% of all bacteria and viruses in the air and fully exchange the air at least once every 2 to 5 minutes. Rest assured, all these procedures are designed to create the safest environment for you, other patients and our team.
We look forward to seeing you again. If you have any questions, please let us know. We will be in touch to reschedule your appointments.